After spending some days in Thailand and working of the blogs of this trip, my life is back to normal. However – what is normal these days ? Yesterday I went to a nearby nature reserve with a friend-photographer in the hope to see some birds. Well, after waiting for some time indeed a bird showed up, but it was the Black-dressed Pink-Rimmed Bird. Strange location, but she and her friends thought of it as an appropriate place for an photo shoot… This morning I quickly checked upon my Kestrel, and it was home: hopping on the ground, sitting on a pole or on some hay stacks. Nice, but nothing special. Arriving home I found this FishCrow almost on my door step. Apparently a Grey Heron had caught a fish but either it was too big to swallow, or it was chased away by the crows. Anyway, a first timer for me this FishCrow. So – back to normal ? 😉
ps I am still filling up the Asian Gallery with shots from Thailand, but it take some more time..
2 Nov 2012Hallo Hans,
Toch nog gewoon op je blog gezet die rare juveniel vogel….hahaha. (jouw)Kestrel heb je er weer fraai op staan. Die kraai met zo’n enorme vis (snoek) bewijst maar weer wat een rovers en alleseters ze zijn.
Buizerd foto’s mislukt, of niet de moeite waard? Ik heb ze nog niet eens op mijn computer gezet!
Tot laters!