Bearded Reedlings

Bearded Reedling | Baardman

Today finally some light again ! I decided to spend some time with the Bearded Reedlings (Baardman). The closer I got, the more clouded it got as well, and when I was at the spot there was almost no light left. And the Reedlings played Hide and Seek – so my original plan wasn’t going to work anyway. So I tried to make some shots for the category “Birds in their environment” – meaning that I gave up on my hope for clean and close-up shots. If that was really a ‘choice’? Not really, no 🙁 . Anyway, I enjoyed seeing and hearing these little boys and girls roaming noisily through the reeds. Some two minutes of sunshine brightened up the area for a brief moment. After spending 1,5 hour I had to head home and get back to work. As you may have guessed, the moment I left, the clouds disappeared …..

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Hallo Hans,

    Ondanks dat de Baardmannen niet echt mee wilden werken heb je ze toch fraai in hun envirement kunnen vastleggen. Eindelijk weer beetje fatsoenlijk licht hè?

    Blijven prachtige vogels om te zien op die mooie plek 😉



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