Today we had some sunshine over here, and since the Buzzard (Buizerd) is still hanging around, I couldn’t resist making some more shots. In the forest close to our house we have a regular Buzzard that we named “Benny”, so to avoid confusion, we call the one in this blog “Benno”. At least in this way I can explain to my wife who I am looking at, when standing in front of our window with a pair of binoculars 😉 . Or in reverse, she can inform me when entering the house “Benno is on the grass again, searching for worms” . As a matter of fact, the spends more time in one the trees than on the grass :~) . The last shot – by the way – is taken from our bedroom window (with the 2x converter on).
2 Jan 2013Hallo Hans,
Tjonge jonge positief jaloersmakende beelden weer van deze Benno!!!
Knap genomen weer met lekker platte buik standpunt!