Bunting without Snow

Snow Bunting feeding on the sand

Last sunday I received an email from Lorenzo telling me that four Snow Buntings (Sneeuwgors) had been sighted near Katwijk. Funny thing was, that I myself was in the snow on an Austrian glacier, testing snowboards. I wrote back that I hoped the Buntings would extend their visit until wednesday (today), the day I would be home again. Yesterday Remco already informed me that two Buntings were still around…So this morning I went and found two of them. The light was not that good, since it was a heavily overcast sky. The birds were not that shy though, so I could make plenty of shots. Hope they will stay a little longer, so I can have a rebound with some sun light ๐Ÿ˜‰

Update: later today I went back and had a brief moment of sun light, resulting in shots with a different atmosphere ๐Ÿ™‚

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hallo Hans,

    Gelukkig ging je niet met een leeg geheugenkaartje huiswaarts. Ondanks de bewolking heb je toch scherpe opnames kunnen maken van deze mooie vogelsoort.

    Je laatste 2 foto’s zijn wel mijn favoriet.

    Ik had eigenlijk hetzelfde gevoel, wat btreft mindere licht. Ook ik hoop nog eens met beter licht terug te gaan, mits ze daar natuurlijk blijven.



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