This morning I did a check upon some Common Seals (Gewone Zeehond) that show themselves every now and then. Upon arriving, Remco and I thought they were not present today, but when walking back we found a young seal lying on the sand. Still in the shadows, but we expected that a fifteen minute wait would make the sun reach the seal. The young seal decided to wait as well, giving us ample shooting opportunities- both in the shade and in the sunlight. Due to the wind, sand got everywhere (clothes, camera etc. had to be cleaned afterwards). Another seal showed itself briefly as well, popping up every now and then from the sea. Not a bad way to start the day 🙂
21 Dec 2013Hey Hans,
Was een leuk en succesvol ochtendje dacht ik zo, waarbij we beiden mooie platen aan over hebben gehouden. Mooie houding van de Common Seal bij met name je kopfoto.