Humble House Sparrows?

In made another tour today, looking again for the Gull, which of course didn’t show itself. So I killed time watching a group or family of House Sparrows (Huismus). Very funny to watch: the young birds are ‘lounging’ a little, until one of the parents announces it’s arrival. They then suddenly get active, not withholding extremely furious actions, which in soccer games would certainly have resulted in a Red Card (see the leg being positioned in the other juvenile’s side…). Not that dull to watch after all – for sure ๐Ÿ˜‰

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hallo Hans,

    Hele mooie kleuren zeg in deze opnames. Prachtige serie heb je van deze Huismussen kunnen maken. Je eerste kleine foto van de 2 musjes op het paaltje is en je grote foto zijn mijn favoriet. ๐Ÿ˜‰


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