Last Sunday we went with good friends to a place called “De Groene Jonker” for birdwatching. We saw many species, although taking pictures was a little difficult – since there were quite a lot of people. And a group of five ourselves, which if fun but not helping the photography part 😉 However I managed some shots of Sedge Warblers, Bluethroat and Black-necked Grebes (with amazing red eyes!). On top of that I saw my first Water Rail – not much more than an evidence shot, but still felt lucky to see this secretive bird at all ! After that we went to a place where our friends had seen Kingfishers the days before. They were there for sure, but impossible to frame. So… I went back very early this morning and after waiting for some two hours, I finally had my first Kingfishers in the Netherlands. But, I will go back and see if I can improve the shots 😉