Last september I saw my first Lesser Yellowlegs (Kleine Geelpootruiter) in The Netherlands, close to my home (of course I had seen this species in the US on several occasions). It was however impossible to make shots, since the bird could only be seen through a scope. Since some weeks, in the northern part of Noord-Holland, another one has been sighted. When driving home earlier this week from my visit to the Snowy Owl, I planned on looking for this rare North-American bird visitor. To my surprise the bird was very close to the shore, and allowed me for some 3-4 minutes to come really close and make some odd 30 shots. This ideal situation was disturbed however by an escaping dog being followed by two wildly waving and yelling middle-aged women…Grump…… Of course, the small bird took off immediatley – which for me was not a big disaster since I had my shots. But for three Italians, that arrived 30 seconds after the bird disappeared, it was not that funny since it was a lifer for them. I heard yesterday that they found the bird again later that afternoon 🙂 …