Watching vs Photographing

Taking high quality bird shots requires time, patience and a little bit of luck. Some days however, I decide that taking pictures isn’t the main objective, and simply go out ‘birding’. Of course I bring the camera along, you never know…. Yesterday was a day during which I found a wide variety of species (over 40), some of which I had never seen before or never seen before in the Netherlands: Eurasian Golden Oriole (Wielewaal), Icterine Warbler (Spotvogel) and Marsh Warbler (Bosrietzanger). Other ‘difficult’ species I recorded were Cuckoo (Koekoek) and Little Bittern (Woudaap), of the latter unfortunately I was unable to take a picture 🙁 . Highlight of the day was the nest we found (though I must admit that Dominique, my wife, found the nest…) of the Orioles. It reminded me of the ‘football’-shape that I saw Weaver Birds use in South Africa….. A very well-built nest by the looks of it ! And fun to watch the male escorting the female on all her trips  outside!

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hallo Hans,

    Mooie variatie aan vogel platen weer. Wat heb je veel verschillende vogels kunnen platen. De Wielewaal vandaag ook kunnen platen. prachtige bijna exotische vogel, en dan dat jungle-achtige geluid wat ze maken.
    Koekoek heb je er ook fraai op staan. Wat zijn die moeilijk te fotograveren. Spotvogel ook top net als de Karekiet.

    jammer dat je geen foto kon maken van de Woudaap. Ik ga woensdagavond een poging wagen met Loes en ben.



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