Parks and Ponds

Tufted Duck male | Kuifeend
Tufted Duck male | Kuifeend

When thinking about ‘nature’ or ‘wildlife’, many city dwellers think about ‘having to travel somewhere’. What many people often neglect is the variety of species they could find in their towns and cities. City parks and ponds offer huge possibilities for wildlife lovers and photographers alike. I visited many parks in huge cities like Taipei, Bangkok and Beijing and was every time surprised at what I found. But closer to home, I spend time in parks as well. Especially the ponds usually host an interesting mix of waterfowl and more often than not, the birds and ducks are less shy since they are used to two-legged creatures… In this blog some shots I made over the last days during my ‘lunch break walks’. When choosing the right angle of view and backgrounds, no-one could tell this is in one of the largest cities in The Netherlands. Or so I think 😉 .

photocrati gallery

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Altijd fijn als je dichtbij huis zulke foto;s kan maken van dankbare vogels. Jouw ultra lage standpunt geeft zoveel extra’s aan deze foto’s.

    Well done!

    Fijn weekend en hopelijk krijg ik dit weekend m’n nieuwe blog af. (Van de ruim 600 foto’s die ik die ochtend gemaakt heb, heb ik er nog maar 150 over!)


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