This morning during my run, I found five Red-crested Pochards (Krooneend) in the forest. So a bit later I returned with the camera to see if I could make some shots. On the upside, the birds were in a part of the waters where I had them close. On the downside, the sky was cloudy and the trees around the water enhanced the darkness. I tried nevertheless and at high ISO’s could make some shots. I was surprised to see one of the males suddenly ‘drop’ it’s crown when it started preening. Never seen this before – the duck suddenly looked completely different – a kind of make-over ๐ .
15 Dec 2013Hey Hans,
Tjonge jonge….zit hier bijna weg te kwijlen van je foto’s. Echt prachtig! Alles klopt gewoon. Hoewel hoge ISO-instellingen pakt hier wel perfect uit.
Je eerste foto is top, maar de gans-achtige kop van je laatste is helemaal super.
Of ik jaloers ben….ja tuurlijk. ๐