Yesterday afternoon I stumbled upon a Red Knot (Kanoet) – a species I like a lot, even when not in breeding plumage. The problem however at the site I visited, is the fact that there’s many concrete blocks placed criss cross on top of each other. Together with the fact that this Red Knot was comfortably among a group of six Ruddy Turnstones (Steenloper) it was very difficult to get a clear shot. Most of the time the view was obstructed (partly) by either blocks or Turnstones.. I managed some shots, sometimes with a free standing Knot, but more often than not something was between me and the bird. Anyway, I was happy to make some decent shots since my morning expedition proved to be rather fruitless. Other species I saw at the harbor were Nothern Wheatear (Tapuit) and Common Ringed Plover (Bontbekplevier). And many surfers of course π …
14 Sep 2013Mystery Surfer