It seems ages since there was sun and high temperatures. A nice day for birding! I had some species in mind I wanted to photograph, but -as ever so often- things went in a totally different direction. I drove quite a distance for good shots of a Red-backed Shrike (Grauwe Klauwier), but only saw it very briefly in the (far) distance. Yellow-hammers (Geelgors) however were willing to pose. On my way back to Den Haag I stopped at a place famous for it’s Purple Herons (Purperreiger). Guess what ? Only saw them flying in the distance ๐ . Since it was around noon, the light was so harsh that all I could do, was take backlit shots of Black Terns (Zwarte Stern) en Reed Warbler (Kleine Karekiet) – a rather artistic experience ;-). But surprise, surprise: the most special thing today I found close to home: a real River Warbler (Krekelzanger). A lifer for me and a rare one for the Netherlands. Okay, it was perched relatively far but I was more than happy to see & hear it !
22 May 2012Hallo Hans,
Je hebt weer niet stilgezeten vandaag. Krekelzanger heb je ook alweer. Ik wist niet dat jij zo’n fanatieke vogelaar was. ๐
Jammer dat je de Purperreiger niet met goed licht kon fotograferen. De andere staan er wel weer lekker op met name de Geelgors, Grauwe Klauwier, maar je mooiste uit deze serie vind ik toch wel de Kleine Karekiet opname. Prachtig met dat tegenlicht.
25 May 2012The warblers are a delight to listen to before daylight. Nice to get a glimpse of them also. Nice capture.