Variety days

Black-necked Grebe | Geoorde Fuut

Since I came back from Barcelona last tuesday night, I have ventured out for several different species and reasons. First I went to do a real twitch. The Terek Sandpiper (Terekruiter) was a lifer for me. On top of that a vagrant for the Netherlands, attracting many birders from the country. The bird stayed far away, but seeing it and making some evidence shots was already okay for me. Yesterday I combined a business visit with a check upon the Black-necked Grebes (Geoorde Fuut). Even if the weather was overcast and it rained a little I decided to bring the camera, just in case. As it turned out a good idea, because even while the circumstance were far from ideal, I made quite some shots that I was happy with. While having dinner at night a message came through that another vagrant had been sighted: a Lesser Grey Shrike (Kleine Klapeksters). Not a lifer and I suspected photo opportunities to be limited (which they were) – I still decided to give it a go. With many birders coming from all over the country you cannot approach a bird: it may fly of, which of course would disappoint many people. I gave it another try this morning, but with the same result: too many birders around for taking any risk. The bird however seemed to be singing, or at least murmuring 😉 – apparently happy with all the attention it gets. So I decided to frame some Wagtails instead. Oh yes, I also managed to frame a Swift (Gierzwaluw) with it’s prey !

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hallo Hans,

    Mooi productief vogeldagje had je zeg. Wat een soorten. Je Geoorde Futen zijn erg mooi geworden. Ik zag de melding inderdaad van de Kleine Klapekster…het was alleen nog wachten hoelang het duurde voordat ik foto van Hans Overduin zag verschijnen op Dat duurde niet lang dus. De zeldzame Steltloper staat er ook prima op. En dan die Gierzwaluw met vangst!!!! Lucky Shot?

    Mooi blogje weer.



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